sourcespell package


sourcespell.sourcespell module

class sourcespell.sourcespell.BaseChecker(base_dir='.', ignore_patterns=None, language='en_GB', project_dict=None, encoding='utf-8')[source]

Bases: object

Common functionality for all checker classes.

  • base_dir – The path to the base directory.
  • ignore_patterns – List of glob ignore patterns to skip.
  • language – ISO language code, e.g. ‘en_GB’ or ‘en_US’
  • project_dict – Path to the project dictionary for excluded words.
  • encoding – Character set encoding to use reading / writing files.

Called from run for each source file under the base directory.

Parameters:src_file (SourceFile) – The source file being checked.

Generator function which returns files to be checked.


Runs the checker.

Returns:The script exit code.
Return type:int
class sourcespell.sourcespell.EmailFilter(tokenizer)[source]

Bases: enchant.tokenize.EmailFilter

Override the enchant.tokenize.EmailFilter to filter out addresses enclosed in angle brackets, for example:

exception sourcespell.sourcespell.EmptyFileError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Error thrown for empty files.

class sourcespell.sourcespell.HashBangFilter(tokenizer)[source]

Bases: enchant.tokenize.Filter

Filter skipping over the hashbang in executable scripts.

Taken from:

class sourcespell.sourcespell.InteractiveChecker(base_dir='.', ignore_patterns=None, language='en_GB', project_dict=None, encoding='utf-8')[source]

Bases: sourcespell.sourcespell.BaseChecker

Interactive spellchecker. Allows the user to quickly fix spelling errors and add words to the excluded words dictionary.


Creates a map of index, token pairs from the source file to handle spelling replacements.

Parameters:contents – The contents of the source file.
Returns:The generated map.
Return type:collections.OrderedDict
_handle_response(src_map, error)[source]

Handle the user response. Return True if a correction was made.


Prints the list of keyboard options.


For each error in the file. Prompt the user for the action to take.

Parameters:src_file (SourceFile) – Source file being checked.
exception sourcespell.sourcespell.NextFile[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Trigger to advance to the next file.

exception sourcespell.sourcespell.ParseError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Error thrown for Pygments lexer errors.

class sourcespell.sourcespell.SourceFile(filename, dictionary, tokeniser, base_dir, encoding='utf-8')[source]

Bases: object

Interface for checking for spelling errors in a single source file.

  • filename – Absolute path to the file.
  • dictionary (enchant.Dict) – Enchant dictionary.
  • tokeniser (enchant.tokenize.Tokenizer) – Enchant tokeniser from get_tokenizer()
  • base_dir – Base directory path.
  • encoding – Character set encoding to read files with.

Filter the token stream based on token type and the name of the lexer.


Initialise the Pygments lexer.


Calculates the line and column index from the file index.

Parameters:index – The file index.
Returns:A tuple of line number and column index.
Return type:tuple of (int, int)

Return True if value is a Python raw-string literal, False otherwise.

_select_token(tokentype, name, value)[source]

Return True if the token should be used, False otherwise.


Generator that yields SpellingCorrection objects for the current source file.


Returns the name of the file relative to the base directory being checked.

class sourcespell.sourcespell.SpellChecker(base_dir='.', ignore_patterns=None, language='en_GB', project_dict=None, encoding='utf-8')[source]

Bases: sourcespell.sourcespell.BaseChecker

Non-Interactive spell checker. Prints a list of all spelling errors found.


Prints errors to stderr and sets the error flag.

class sourcespell.sourcespell.SpellingCorrection(filename, word, index, line_no, column, dictionary, line_content)[source]

Bases: object

Object to store information for a spelling error.

  • filename – File path, relative to the base directory.
  • word – The word being checked.
  • index – The file index at the start of the word.
  • line_no – The 1-indexed line number.
  • column – The column index.
  • dictionary (enchant.Dict) – Reference to the dictionary object.
  • line_content – The contents of the line containing the error.

Generate a prompt listing the available corrections.


The list of suggested corrections.


Initialise the command line argument parsing.

Returns:The argument parser.
Return type:argparse.ArgumentParser

Gets a character from stdin without waiting for a newline.

Returns:A single character from stdin.

Main entry point.


Merge tokens of the same type from Pygments.

Adapted from pygments.filters.TokenMergeFilter